Back Pain
Acute | Chronic | Lower Back | Upper Back | Sciatica
Got a back problem? You’re not alone. Did you know that 80% of Aussies report having had a back problem at some stage of their life! That’s a huge stat. For most people, their back problem is temporary and resolves with minimal treatment. For others though, a back injury turns out to be a life-changing event that negatively impacts employment capacity, recreational activities, basic activities of daily living and mental health.
Back problems are less visible than a broken leg or arm, and there can exist an unfair stigma whereby sufferers aren’t spared much sympathy. Some people are explicitly accused of faking or malingering!
Back problems also tend to evoke more fear for the future than other injuries. I don’t meet many patients with a sprained ankle who are worried about their long term future. There is an insidious idea in our culture that a back problem might easily become a chronic, lifelong problem. Fortunately, as our knowledge continues to be updated and expanded, we are much better placed to understand and better treat back problems.
It might surprise you to learn that most back problems, despite often being intensely painful and debilitating, recover rapidly, such that normal activities are resumed within a few weeks. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the vast majority of acute episode of back pain emerge and resolve. There are however, people who present to our clinic who have been dealing with persistent symptoms for months or even years.
Our goal, with respect to treating back problems is two pronged;
Ensure that those with an acute/recent back problem achieve a rapid resolution of symptoms while acquiring the skills, knowledge and strategies to achieve a sustained return to valued activities
Ensure that those with a longstanding back problem build a greater capacity to address symptoms and engage in occupational, recreational and other valued activities
Back problems are our specialty. If you’d like to learn more, please call us on 0296659667