

Scoliosis was originally a Greek word meaning curved or bent. Today it is a word used to describe a common type of spinal curvature. Scoliosis is simply a descriptive term, like headache- it is not a precise diagnosis. In other words, if you have had some imaging like an x-ray, or some other form of assessment that indicates that you have a spine that curves laterally, the next step is to work out why your spine is curved in such a manner.

There is some useful information about the various “types” of scoliosis on

Small lateral curves in the spine a common and are of no particular consequence to an individual. For most people, a mild scoliosis is not something that warrants any specific treatment. We (people in general) are not perfectly symmetrical beings. We are capable of adapting to a mild scoliosis and performing our preferred occupational and recreational activities over a lifetime.

There is however, a smaller group of the population who develop more pronounced or prominent curves in their spines. And since every pronounced or severe case of scoliosis starts off at some point as a mild case, it does make sense to take measures to identify those who might be at a higher risk, as this will provide the best opportunity to commence effective treatment. The population that benefits most from early detection of scoliosis are children and young adolescents, particularly girls. About 2% of girls have a curve which warrants medical observation throughout childhood and adolescence. Three girls per 1,000 will require treatment during the growth phase.

You can download the Self Detection Brochure for scoliosis here.

Treatment for scoliosis may include surgery, the fitting of a brace or plaster jacket, depending on the age of the patient. There are no other treatments that have been shown to improve or reverse the lateral curve of one’s spine. We can offer treatment for symptoms such as pain and stiffness which may be associated with a scoliosis.

For information on such treatment, or for questions about your spine, or child’s spine, please call us on 9665 9667.